Instructions for authors


Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health (Health care & global health), is a scientific journal published and sponsored by the Universidad de Ciencias y Humanidades (UCH). Its objective is to publish scientific production in the field of health.


Articles submitted to the Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health are initially evaluated by the editors and subsequently submitted to peer review in order to improve clarity, without affecting the originality and position of the researchers.

The editors have a period of no more than 15 days to decide whether to accept or reject the articles received. Peer review has a term of 30 to 45 days; if an extension is required, it will be communicated to the authors in due time.



Corresponds to the opinion and positions of the members of the Editorial Committee, regarding a current topic, debates or recent research.

Original Article

Correspond to the report of the results of a completely new and previously unpublished research. It may be quantitative, qualitative or mixed approach.

Brief Communication

Document that presents the results of a completely new and previously unpublished research. It is characterized by having a shorter length than an original article.

Review Article

These are scientific articles derived from rigorous reviews of original articles. It may correspond to a narrative review, scoping review or systematic review and meta-analysis.

Case Reports

Detailed reports of specific clinical or epidemiological situations that are uncommon or have distinctive characteristics.

Letter to the Editor

This section contains the critical reflections and points of view of individual authors on important topics in the field of health or with respect to articles previously published in the journal. Reports of preliminary research results or those that do not meet the criteria of an original article or short communication may also be included.


Comments from experts, authorities or researchers on current issues, debates or recent research.

Clinical Guidelines

Documents that provide evidence-based guidelines and recommendations for clinical practice.

Health Education

Articles related to medical or other health teaching and training, including studies on pedagogical methods and evaluation of educational programs.

Special Article

Includes other stories or documents not considered in the described sections.



A. General criteria for manuscript acceptance

Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, reserves the right to reproduce the content. Manuscripts submitted must be originals that have not been published partially or totally in other journals. In the event that the same manuscript or a similar version has been previously published in print or on the web, it is the authors' obligation to inform the editors.

B. Manuscript Submission

Authors should prepare their texts in Microsoft Word and submit figures in original formats or images in vector formats (svg, eps, pdf, cpt, ai) and register in Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, by logging in to:

  • The files to be sent are:
  • Complete article, without including the authors' data. Tables, figures and others should be included at the end of the article.
  • The article should be written according to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors ( You may consider the articles published in our journal as a guide.
  • As a complementary file:
  • Author Declaration: Declaration of authorship and authorization for the publication of the scientific article, duly completed and signed. This format includes the list of authors (personal data, ORCID, e-mail, institutional affiliation, city, country, profession and academic degrees), declarations (of the conditions of publication and scientific integrity), additional communication (evaluation and approval by ethics committee, data availability), authorization for publication. This format also includes complementary information (conflict of interest, acknowledgements, data availability, financing and authors' contribution), and data of the corresponding author.

Note: If you have difficulties downloading these forms, you may request them by sending an e-mail to the following address:,

Notification of receipt of articles will be communicated by e-mail. Authors can track their articles by accessing the journal's web page or by mail addressed to the editors (, ).

C. Authors

Those who have participated directly in the research or in the preparation of the manuscript and can be held responsible for its content are recognized as authors. The inclusion of other persons as authors, due to friendship, recognition or other non-scientific grounds, constitutes ethical misconduct.

In Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, a maximum of eight authors are accepted. If there is reasonable justification and it meets the criteria for authorship, it may exceed the limit indicated.

D. Language

Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health publishes articles in Spanish, English or Portuguese; however, it reserves the right to publish in another foreign language.

E. Copyright

Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Authors retain their rights. The license allows others to distribute, mix, match, adjust and build upon your work, even for commercial purposes, as long as you are acknowledged as the author of the original creation.

F. Length and presentation

Las especificaciones generales como extensión del manuscrito, sin incluir cuadros, figuras y referencias, se presentan a continuación:

Table 1. Length of words, tables, figures and references according to section.





Figures   and tables








Original articles






Brief Communication






Case Reports






Review Article












    Letters to the Editor






Clinical Guidelines






Health Education






Special Article






(*) The figures are for reference only. If there is a need, the limits indicated may be exceeded.

Arial 12-point font style and spacing of one and a half spaces should be used. After review, editors may specify an alternative word limit and/or bibliographical references. Illustrations and tables should be limited to those that are necessary.

G. Title

The title should not exceed 15 words. It should describe the content in a specific, clear and concise manner. Avoid the use of jargon, acronyms and/or abbreviations as much as possible. It is necessary to provide an abbreviated title with no more than half the number of words of the main title.

H. Abstract

Each original research article or review should have a structured abstract divided into the following sections: a) Objectives, b) Materials and methods, c) Results, d) Conclusion. Additionally, respecting the same sections, all articles must have an abstract in English (for articles in Spanish or Portuguese).

A maximum of 5 keywords with DeCS source should be provided for abstracts in Spanish and Portuguese. ( and MeSH for abstracts in English  (

I. Contents

Original papers and Brief communications should have the following sections: Introduction, materials and methods, results and discussion (IMRAD). Review articles may have titles and subtitles in accordance with the content. In other articles, the divisions of the IMRAD format should be dispensed with. For the writing, consider the recommendations of the EQUATOR network (

J. References

The Vancouver style should be used. All references should be cited in the text with consecutive Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4,...n), the format may be presented in parentheses (1), brackets [1] or superscript1. Authors may be guided by Citing Medicine, guidelines established by National Library of Medicine.

Reference managers such as Mendeley, Zotero, EndNote, etc. can be used.

K. Tables

The heading of each column should include the unit of measurement and be as brief as possible; the basis for relative measures (percentages, rates, indexes) should be clearly indicated when these are used. Enter NA in the boxes corresponding to data that are not applicable; if information is missing because no observations were made, successive points (...) should be inserted. All tables must be included in original editable format (not as an image).

L. Figures

All illustrations (graphs, diagrams, line drawings, maps, photographs, etc.) should be presented in the program used with a minimum resolution of 320 dpi. Figures should be used to highlight trends and comparisons clearly and accurately. They should be easy to understand and add information, not duplicate what has already been given in the text. Figure captions should be concise and explicit. Maps and drawings should have a scale in international units.


The Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health is committed to guaranteeing the quality of its contents and the good exercise of ethical practices by each of its actors. The present statement, based on the Guidelines on Good Publication Practices developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) raises a set of ethical issues focused on each of the important elements and roles involved in the editorial process.

For research conducted on human subjects, including research on identifiable human material and information, the ethical principles of the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki should be considered.

1. About the Articles

1.1. The data stated in the articles must be real and authentic. All articles must include citations and references to the respective sources.

1.2. Plagiarism and fraudulent data in articles under any modality is prohibited. It is considered an unfair practice to submit an article for evaluation to more than one journal. It is considered an unethical practice to publish the same article in more than one journal.

1.3. Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, reserves the right to request the database, as well as the use of digital platforms (Turnitin or similar), for the detection of similarities and the prevention of plagiarism in the articles received.

1.4. Research must have a protocol approved by an Institutional Ethics Committee. The Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health may request the opinion of the Ethics Committee. Research based on open access secondary sources are exempt from Ethics Committee approval.

2. About the Author

2.1. The presentation of other authors' ideas as one's own is an unacceptable practice.

2.2. The authors should report any source of funding that allowed the study to be carried out, as well as any other commitment that could influence the interpretation of the results.

2.3. All authors are obliged to provide the necessary corrections of errors.

2.4. In case of ethical misconduct detected in the papers presented and/or published, the authors will be notified so that they can present their disclaimer. Likewise, an ad hoc committee will be formed to investigate and evaluate the case. Depending on the seriousness of the case, the actions taken will consist of correcting the article or retracting the article and notifying the institutions to which the authors belong.

3. About Evaluators and Peer Review

3.1. The evaluators must issue their opinion in an objective and unbiased manner.

3.2. Promptly report to the editor any conflict of interest they may detect when reading an article that has been sent to them for review.

3.3. Alert any possible situation of plagiarism in a work, either partially or in an article as a whole. Also indicate if any theoretical source is being used in an article without being cited.

3.4. Peer review is a confidential process. Any information on the evaluated articles must be kept confidential by the evaluators.

3.5. For Peruvian Journal of Health Care and Global Health, peer review is an essentially human process. However, it reserves the right to use artificial intelligence tools in the preliminary analysis of manuscripts as a support element in the review process.

4. About the Editor

4.1. The editor is responsible for evaluating articles without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political belief, nationality, ethnic origin or personal position of the authors.

4.2. The editor must decide which articles should be sent for peer review, as well as which are in conditions to be published after their review, in addition to preserving the confidentiality of the evaluated articles, not disclosing any information about their content, subject matter, authorship, data included, analysis performed or final conclusions.

4.3. The editor must strive to meet the needs of readers and authors, constantly improve and innovate the journal, and ensure the quality of the articles published.

4.4. The editor should avoid any conflict of interest with rejected or accepted articles and promote the publication of corrections, clarifications, rectifications and apologies when errors are found and whenever necessary.

5. About the Editorial Board

5.1. The Editorial Board is responsible for overseeing and safeguarding the various aspects of the journal's editorial ethics, resolving any ethical conflicts promptly and in coordination with the editor, in order to maintain the integrity and academic credibility of the journal.

5.2. The Editorial Board rejects plagiarism and fraudulent data in articles in any form.

5.3. The Editorial Board is willing to publish corrections, clarifications, rectifications and apologies when necessary.